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free Joel Auge song – Glory Glory

Joel Auge - Glory Glory

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Joel Auge
Glory Glory
Download | Joel Auge website | Integrity Direct

This song from Joel Auge is provided by Integrity Direct. Joel hails from Canada and his background is playing in various non-Christian groups. Joel Auge loves leading people to praise Jesus through his songs, and this album should certainly help with this. It is not a groundbreaking song but it is solid and high quality and I really love it.

Christianity Today say that it “Sounds like … a combination of Brit-pop and worshipful singer/songwriter material, reminiscent of Jason Morant, Keane, Phil Wickham, Snow Patrol, and Shawn McDonald.” It is a really good review and well worth reading.

Here is a YouTube clip of Joel in a nutshell!

Here are are some of the lyrics from Joel Auge’s song

Glory, Glory I love you
We bring the glory unto you


Download the song here:

Joel Auge’s website:

Joel Auge’s myspace:

Get the chords here:

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