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2 Free Christian Modern Hymns From Page CXVI

Free Page CXVI Come Thou Font & Praise to the Lord

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Come Thou Font & Praise to the Lord
Download | Page CXVI website | Page CXVI myspace

Page CXVI are providing a two free mp3 (or AAC) downloads of their songs Come Thou Font & Praise to the Lord. Page CXVI were set up to make hymns accessible again. This is great news as some the words in hymns are so rich and full and meaning – so now the best ones are being revived with more contemporary music.

These are both beautiful songs and well worth downloading, they come from their first two albums. You can also stream the whole of their third album below. Or alternatively watch the video clip that was created for one of their songs…

Blindness from Michael Snowdon on Vimeo.

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