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free Gateway Worship song – God of my days

Gateway Worship

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Gateway Worship
God of my days
Download | Gateway Worship website | Vertical Music

This free song is courtesy of Vertical Music, and is written by Gateway Worship. Gateway Worship are a part of the Gateway Church which is based in Dallas and have a real heart for worshipping God. This is a superb song for reminding us that God is here with us today and that he is sovereign in power. Here is how Gateway Church describe themselves:

Worship is one of the core foundations of Gateway Church. Our songs and music connect the local church with God in a greater way.

We are a local church committed to extravagantly and passionately expressing our love to our Lord and Savior. God is worthy of our highest and our best.

We believe that God inhabits the praises of His people. We desire to clearly sense and experience God’s presence every time the church gathers. We want to connect intimately with Him and hear His voice so that more of His character and nature can be found in us!

They have also produced the following YouTube clip which explains a bit more about the band and has one of their worship songs in the background:

Here are some of the lyrics from the Gateway Worship song, you can get the full lyrics from the vertical music website:

You’re the God of my days the King of my nights
Lord of my laughter sovereign in sorrow
You’re the Prince of my praise the love of my life
You never leave me You are faithful
God of my days

You can access the chords (and words) for all of Gateway Worship’s albums at their website.


Listen to the song here:

Gateway Worship’s website:

Gateway Worship’s myspace:

Get the lyrics here:

6 thoughts on “free Gateway Worship song – God of my days”

  1. …You never leave me You are faithful
    God of my days

    Waaaah! It’s true…. He never leave me…
    I like this song….
    Maybe one of God’s favorite…

  2. Its very comforting that there is a God we can call our ABBA FATHER-our daddy who comfort us in our grief…Praise U Jesus !

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