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Free Worth Dying For song – Unite


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Worth Dying For
Download | Worth Dying For website | Vertical Music

This free song is courtesy of Vertical Music, and is written by Worth Dying For. Worth Dying For have been part of the youth ministry at Calvary Temple of Modesta in California and have a mission statement to: “infiltrate, destroy [the darkness] and rebuild today’s youth culture.”

This is a superb high-octane song that is great to listen to when you feel like giving up. If you prefer your music a bit more relaxed then you can hear some of Worth Dying For’s other songs at myspace (which are completely different in style!)

Here are some of the lyrics from Worth Dying For’s song, you can get the full lyrics from the Vertical Music website:

We won’t back down or give up this fight
With You our God we must unite
Today we join for the world to see
That You have won the victory


Listen to the song here:

Worth Dying For’s myspace:

Get the lyrics here:

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