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free Lincoln Brewster mp3 – Today is the Day

Lincoln Brewster Today is the Day

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Lincoln Brewster
Today is the Day
Download | Lincoln Brewster website | Vertical Music

This free song is courtesy of Vertical Music, and is written by Lincoln Brewster. He is a full time worship leader at Bayside Church in Granite Bay, California. This is another great song from Lincoln, and reminds us to live for today and not worry about tomorrow.

You can find more great free songs from Lincoln Brewster here.

Here are some of the lyrics from this Lincoln Brewster’s song, you can get the rest at the Vertical Music website:

Today is the day You have made
I will rejoice and be glad in it
I won’t worry about tomorrow
I’m trusting in what You say
Today is the day


Listen to the song here:

His website:

Get the words here:

5 thoughts on “free Lincoln Brewster mp3 – Today is the Day”

  1. I just found your site today…what a great site! Thank you for posting all these songs and other resources. This Lincoln Brewster song seems to be corrupted, though. It sounds like it was taped off of an old cassette tape or record. Anyone else having a problem with it?

  2. a great song~
    love all of his songs~
    i’ll come here more often definitely=]
    keep it up n God bless u ^^

  3. So, what do I click on to download the song, Today Is The Day? Everything I click on brings me to a new page….and not to the song. :(

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