Answers in Genesis – Christian apologetics review

Answers in Genesis

answers in genesis free Christian resources
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A large source of detailed answers to varied questions about Christianity.


Answers in Genesis? For many of us this name may seem like a contradiction as reading Genesis will have raised a lot more questions than it ever did answers. Was the earth created in six days? Could all of those animals have fitted on the ark? Did Adam have nipples? Well, this website aims to answer all those questions and more (okay, maybe not the last one!)

It is run by the people that have just opened a creation museum in America. It is regularly updated, but I am flagging this mainly for their archives of answers to challenging and difficult questions.

Main content

  • Get Answers
  • Radio & podcast
  • RSS feed
Get Answers

This has a vast library of questions you may ask about Christianity and the bible. It covers topics from the authority of the bible to philosophy, and from dinosaurs to Noah’s ark.

One of the reasons it has so many articles is that it links to other websites, which ensures a varied content.

Radio and podcast

If you like listening to podcasts, then you can get regular updates here

RSS feed

The RSS feed is handy with comments on recent stories in the press from a Christian perspective.

Ease of use, navigation and presentation

This is a really good looking website. It is clear and easy to make your way around the many sections.



fCr rating:4 stars
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  • A wealth of answers to those tricky questions that can undermine the bible
  • Good use of other websites articles
  • Many other items to use on the website


  • None found yet…



9 thoughts on “Answers in Genesis – Christian apologetics review”

  1. Pingback: I need new Christian answers! | free Christian resources
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  5. Pingback: The New Answers Book - Dinosaurs, animals and the flood | free Christian resources
  6. Hey, I just hopped over to your site via StumbleUpon. Not somthing I would normally read, but I liked your thoughts none the less. Thanks for making something worth reading.

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