New MacSword release!

MacSword, the best free bible for Macs, has just announced a new update for the first time in over a year. This is great news for Christian Mac owners, I’ve already got my update version and am using it to help with my sermon next Sunday!

Here is what the MacSword website said about the release:

This release of MacSword has been significantly improved for searching and general stability on Mac OS X 10.3.9 through to Leopard. It is a Universal build, supporting both Power PC and Intel chips.


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4 thoughts on “New MacSword release!”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing this!! I recently got a MacBook, and had checked out MacSword, but realised that it hadn’t been updated in such a long time…I’m so glad to hear that it’s recently been updated.

  2. So I downloaded MacSword, and I noticed that all the books of the Bible (no matter what Bible translation I’m using) are in French, but the actually TEXT of the books are in English…any idea why??

  3. Hi Rhea,

    That is very strange and I have no idea why that may have happened. I’ve managed to use the new version without any problems. Maybe you could contact the developer of MacSword and see if this is something he is aware of?

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