Free Shack resources

the-shack.jpgBrian Russell (a methodist pastor) has a provided some free resources to help in studying popular (and perhaps controversial) book, The Shack. The key elements of the slides include a summary of the Shack’s positioning on theological points and also some questions to help get deeper into the texts to see what you thing.

For instance, here is one of the questions: “Are God’s love and God’s wrath incompatible? Why is there no talk of judgment in The Shack?”

You can find more stuff on The Shack at the homepage of Brian’s The Shack website.

2 thoughts on “Free Shack resources”

  1. Do you really think that it’s OK to re-create God in any image we want? And, we can qoute God as saying things He never said? Yeah, don’t think so. I just quoted YOU as saying you like (fill in the blank with whatever disgusts you). How’s that? No problem? We are doing a movie about your life. The person playing you in the movie is (again, fill in the blank with someone of the opposite sex that you detest). Accurate? Exactly.

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