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Free Christian audiobook – So Beautiful: God’s Divine Design for Life and the Church

Christian audio logoThis month’s free audiobook from Christian Audio is Len Sweet’s So Beautiful: God’s Divine Design for Life and the Church. After this month the link on this post will change to a new audiobook so be quick if you want this one.

This book has not actually even been released in print yet, so it is hot off the press! It is difficult to talk about a book that has not been released, but here is the promotional video that you can watch…

So Beautiful, by Leonard Sweet from David C. Cook on Vimeo.

Here is a quote that Christian Audio give about So Beautiful: God’s Divine Design for Life and the Church-

What is commonly known as DNA today was called “…so pretty!” when it was discovered years ago, and over the course of his ministry, author Leonard Sweet has discovered that this divine design also informs God’s blueprint for the church. In this seminal work, he shares the woven strands that form the church: missional, relational, and incarnational. Sweet declares that this secret is So Beautiful!

You can get Len Sweet’s So Beautiful: God’s Divine Design for Life and the Church by clicking here to go to Christian Audio.

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