This month’s free audiobook from christianaudio is Just Courage audiobook by Gary A. Haugen. After this month the link on this post will change to a new audiobook so be quick if you want this one.
Christian Audio says of the book:
International Justice Mission president Haugen has found that “the pathway out of a nearly comatose state of boredom, ineffectiveness and triviality lies in the struggle for justice.” This book describes how to break out of a ho-hum Christian life and see God’s powerful and mysterious ways at work.
You can hear what Gary A.Haugen says about his book in the video below…
Just Courage: God’s Great Expedition for the Restless Christian from International Justice Mission on Vimeo.
You can get the free audiobook by clicking here to go to Christian Audio. Then add the download to your cart and use the coupon code OCT2009 when prompted (you must use the code to receive the download for free).