Free guide to the people in Acts… and more!

acts-top-40.jpgThe Bible Study Magazine are providing a few free articles from their magazine, all of which are interesting and very well designed.

The first is a really good summary of the main people who appear in Acts, usefully split between The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. If you’re doing a study in Acts at the moment this could be useful.

There is amazingly another 9 articles that are being offered as a free preview as follows:

  • Away in a Manger, but Not in a Barn
  • Jesus Never Laughed?
  • Bible Study at Bat
  • Does the Author of EcclesiastesNeed Prozac?
  • Facing Today with the Book of Hebrews
  • Choosing a Bible Translation
  • Bible Study and Rock Music
  • Bible Study in Hollywood
  • NLT Study Bible

It is likely these will only be available until the next magazine comes out – so don’t wait if you are interested!

1 thought on “Free guide to the people in Acts… and more!”

  1. Thanks for giving me your time, while I tried my best to be accepted in the Beloved. (Ephesian I:6.); Therefore I run, not as uncertainly; so I fight I, not as one that beateth the air; but I keep under my body, and bring it under subjection; lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself sholud be cast away. (I Corinthians 9:26-27.) I wiil read the space with special attention. Thanks again.

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