Free John Piper book – Beyond the Bounds

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Beyond the Bounds
by John Piper
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Open Theism and the Undermining of Biblical Christianity

Beyond the BoundsNote: The display and/or download of this book is for personal use only and it may not be distributed, duplicated, or used for any commercial purpose.

Beyond the Bounds is based around whether God’s foreknowledge compared to the views of Open Theism. It is written by John Piper, and as with many books from the Desiring God network is available for a free download.

Here is how Desiring God explain Beyond the Bounds:

The rise of open theism within evangelicalism has raised a host of questions. Was classical theism decisively tainted by Greek philosophy? Is open theism a product of process theism? What philosophical presuppositions and cultural conditions are allowing open theism to flourish? How should we understand passages that tell us that God changes his mind or repents or expresses surprise? Are essentials of biblical Christianity— like the inerrancy of Scripture, the trustworthiness of God, and the gospel of Christ— at stake in this debate? Where, when, and why should we draw new boundaries—and is open theism beyond them? Beyond the Bounds brings together a respected team of scholars to examine the latest literature, address these questions, and give guidance to the church in this time of controversy.

To get the free pdf download of “Beyond the Bounds” simply go to the Desiring God website at this link and then select the ‘Download(PDF)’ or ‘Download this book (PDF)’ link.

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