Fantastic free in-depth bible study guide updated

In DepthEditionLast year I was pleased to recommend ‘The Bible Unpacked’, which is a study resource aimed at everyone from non Christians to pastors. You can see the details on the different versions that are offered in the original review. Over the last year though there have substantial improvements made to the most popular of the free packages available, the In-Depth edition.

Some of the key changes are:

  • Bible verses are now linked to the ESV Bible Website to allow them to be quickly looked up.
  • Hyperlinks to the scripture index at the end , allowing users to quickly see where verses are used.
  • Various improvements to hyper linking throughout the chapters to aid navigating through the various subheadings
  • A “quick reference” page ­with hyperlinks to all the chapters and other key sections
  • Improved layout to improve readability

Considering this free pdf study guide weighs in at just under 1900 page, these are important changes. To navigate a pdf that big otherwise would be very difficult most of us, but with these improvements it is easy to move through to the section you need. Of course, as it is a pdf you can also search for specific words that way too.

You can get the new in-depth guide from this page, or if you would prefer something easier then look at the other options available.

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