Free Children’s Daily Devotion – Keys for Kids

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Keys for Kids
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A free daily devotion for kids

Keys for Kids is a great website for Children which is conveniently available online, RSS, email, or via a pdf download for the whole month.

The devotions take the from of a short story, a key verse, some application questions, and other verses that are related to the topic.

3 thoughts on “Free Children’s Daily Devotion – Keys for Kids”

  1. Dear Honorable God`schosen servants and our Honorable in the Lord brothers & sisters and all in your loving family and all the saint there with you many hearty greetings to you all in the wonderful and exalted name of our soon coming Lord and savior Jesus Christ
    I’m pastor S Jayababu I’m working with many difficulties and with much sufferings in this ministry because we are working among the poor and needy enriched village areas please pray for this needy God’s ministry .I want in your free Sunday school books or bibles and tracts please send me Sam tracts and information

    In His service
    Pastor S Jayababu
    D. No. 72-5-10
    Lalacheruvu post
    Pin 533106
    E.G.Dt .A.P INDIA

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