YouVersion – the social networking bible is coming soon!

YouVersion logoI recently discussed a new online bible website called YouVersion that was about to be launched. It is still in the beta stage, but last week I was given access to look at YouVersion as part of their latest group of testers. Here is a summary of how it is looking:

YouVersion versesThe first use of YouVersion is that you can view different translations of the bible, make notes, bookmark passages, tag passages with words and so on. On the picture on the right you can see a tagged verse and a starred verse. You can then easily search these at a later date. Where YouVersion goes beyond normal bible study packages is that these tags could then be shared with other users.

YouVersion contentYouVersion also allows for a variety of different types content to be linked or added to specific verses or books in the bible. This can include study notes, sermons, videos, pictures, commentaries, links to websites and so on! Videos are embedded into the YouVersion page so you can view them without having to leave the website. This is where I expect the real power of YouVersion will lie.

YouVersion is looking really good and easy to use. Searching the verses was slightly slow, but I expect this is just a beta issue. Once it is launched and the best websites start having their content included YouVersion could well become an exceptionally useful product.



2 thoughts on “YouVersion – the social networking bible is coming soon!”

  1. Pingback: Online bible study website YouVersion beta is launched! | free Christian resources

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