Help improve the Christian Classics Library

ccel logoThe Christian Classics Ethereal Library will now allow their various books to be searched by tags that users have added. I recently mentioned this functionality had been added, but CCEL are keen for people to start tagging books to allow it to really work well. If you are interested in helping then tag away at CCEL whilst reading superb Christian books at the same time!

Here is what CCEL had to say:
“The CCEL has long had excellent tools for finding books by author or title, looking up words in dictionaries and encyclopedias, searching by scripture reference, or performing a full-text search. However, it has never been very good at finding readings by topic keyword. We’re seeking to remedy that lack by introducing tagging. The idea is that if you have a favorite reading on a topic, or if you come across a reading that addresses a topic well, you can tag the reading with one or more keywords.”

“Later, users can search by tag or browse the tags to find readings on particular topics. The more people who tag a reading with a term, the higher that reading will be in the list.”

“So, if you’re interested in helping make this a useful feature and helping others find good readings, if you’re interested in volunteering at the CCEL, one way would be to add tags to several book pages. It’s easy and fast, and for this month at least, you don’t need to log in. Give it a try, and happy tagging! (Oh, and if you’re interested in some good readings on sin, browse the tagged books!)”


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