Christian Classics Ethereal Library – book review

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

christian classics ethereal library free books
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This website holds a large amount of classic Christian literature, from some of the greatest Christian writers from the past.


Pilgrims Progress
Christian Classics Ethereal Library is a fantastic site if you like reading Christian literature, it could keep you going for years. It is stuffed to bursting point with classic Christian writing from people such as Jonathan Edwards, John Bunyan, G.K.Cherston and countless more.

Ease of use and navigation

It is very easy to find what you want…if you know what you are looking for! Otherwise, it can be slightly overwhelming. However, there is a recommended page which suggest ten of the best (per CCEL’s opinion) books. Also, if you sign up to the newsletter you get a little review on one book each month.Maybe people could post comments onto this post to say what is good to read? To kick you off I suggest Brother Lawrence’s “The Practice of the Presence of God”, which is always a challenging read!

Quite a few of the books can be downloaded for free in pdf format, whilst some can only be viewed in HTML format (although of course you can then download the text).


The site has been recently revamped and is now much easier to navigate.


This is one of my favourite Christian websites. It has stacks of great Christian writing. Many of the books may be old but they are timeless and can really enrich your life. Go and have a look now!


  • Loads of books
  • Some very high quality Christian classics


  • Can be difficult to know which books to go for



Are there any books you have read on CCEL that recommend (or not!). Why not leave a comment…

13 thoughts on “Christian Classics Ethereal Library – book review”

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  2. Pingback: Christian Classics Ethereal Library - update | free Christian resources
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