Free Andrew Murray book – Master’s Indwelling

andrew_murray.jpgMaster’s Indwelling by Andrew Murray is a new addition to the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a minister from South Africa who was heavily involved in the South African Revival of 1860. He was a prolific writer, and produced over 240 books in his life.

Master’s Indwelling was initially a series of sermons that were then rewritten into book form. You can get in pdf, word, plain text or simply view it online at Christian Classics Ethereal Library. The essence of the book is whether Christ is living in you. Of whether the Spirit drives your thoughts and actions.

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JC Ryle Holiness Free Christian Book

Recommended book – Ryle’s Holiness

If you are looking for a book to read at the moment then look no further than this classic.

Tim Challie’s has come up with the idea on his blog of reading through great Christian books at a comfortable pace, and then having a discussion about it on his blog. The first contender up for this global book club is J.C. Ryle’s Holiness.
