Free Streams in the Desert devotion by L.B. Cowman

Streams in the Desert

Streams in the desert
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L.B. Cowman’s daily devotion is a rich collection of writings from many Christian authors.


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Streams in the Desert – L.B. Cowman
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Streams in the Desert daily devotion has stood the test of time and stands tall as a superb collection of thoughts and writings to help us draw nearer to God.

streams in the desertStreams in the Desert is a great classic devotion by L.B. Cowman initially published in 1925. Mrs L.B. Cowman was a missionary in China and Japan between 1901 and 1917. Streams in the desert was inspired both by this time, and as she looked after her dying husband for six years.

Streams in the Desert is renowned for being perfect for helping you when you are spiritually dry and when you need to draw closer to God. It is not just L.B. Cowman’s writings though, and comprises daily reading taken from the bible, hymns, poems and the writings of many Christians.

As with the other classic devotions that are still read today, it is beautifully rich and certainly not “bible-lite”.

Getting the devotion

If you go to the Crosswalk website you can read the entry for the day, or sign up for an email to be sent to you every day. You can also read the Streams in the Desert daily devotion by RSS at the Crosswalk website..

Here is an excerpt from the 1st January:

All our supply is to come from the Lord. Here are springs that shall never dry; here are fountains and streams that shall never be cut off. Here, anxious one, is the gracious pledge of the heavenly Father. If He be the source of our mercies they can never fail us. No heat, no drought can parch that river, “the streams whereof make glad the city of God.


Streams in the Desert daily devotion has stood the test of time and stands tall as a superb collection of thoughts and writings to help us draw nearer to God.


  • Superb quality of rich, deep writing
  • Available via email and RSS


  • None



17 thoughts on “Free Streams in the Desert devotion by L.B. Cowman”

  1. I received a copy of Streams in the Desert 36 years ago when I graduated from high school. It has travelled with me throughout the years and provided spiritual sustenance during my darkest moments. I would recommend this book highly to anyone who is struggling and feels they are all alone. My prayers continue to be answered, I hope the readers of this book will share the same experience.

  2. Streams in the Desert has been a part of my life since I became a Cristian in my early twenties. It is and has been a solid source of encouragement for me. It always helps me to realize that God uses the dark hours of my life to mold me and make the person He created me to be. I thank the Lord for Streams in The Desert.

  3. Your book, “Streams in the Desert” is VERY FLAWED!
    Example: Jan.27 (pg 50) “Before we can establish a new and deeper relationship with Christ we must first acquire enough intellectual light to satisify our mind……
    NO WHERE in the Bible does it say we must acquire intellect. What do you say to the person who has faith like a mustard seed? Do you not believe ONLY GOD can give faith…through Jesus Christ. You write many times in your book about what WE should do….that is flawed. It’s not what we do it is WHAT CHRIST HAS DONE FOR US!
    Jan. 30 (pg 55) And the grace of God does not come forth to bring rest and renewal to our soul until we completely reach the point of stillness.
    God’s GRACE has come to us through Jesus Christ….it has NOTHING to do with being still. Again…you talk of what people have to do. If people have to do something…then what is OUR SAVIOR for? Jesus DID IT ALL.
    Aug. 4 (pg. 298) our spiritual power is always in proportion to our faith….what kind of spiritual power do we have?
    Your book is very misleading, untrue and not found in God’s Word!
    I am Lutheran…we are taught….our Salvation comes ONLY from Christ. Grace is…..God’s Redemption At Christ’s Expense. Plain, simple…all people are welcomed to be part of our heavenly kingdom… Most important, it has NOTHING to do with our works!

  4. Hello Carol,

    Thank you for visiting free Christian resources and leaving a message. I certainly agree that our salvation is only gained through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross – through grace.

    There are a few points I would like to make on your comment though. Firstly, I couldn’t find all of the quotes you made on the online version that I linked to (e.g. the 27th Jan).

    Secondly, I think some of the quotes you have taken slightly out of context, for instance on the 30th of Jan the nearest to the quote you gave that I could find was the last sentence of this quote:

    “Give me this Divine power of Thine, the power of Gethsemane. Give me the power to wait for hope itself, to look out from the casement where there are no stars. Give me the power, when the very joy that was set before me is gone, to stand unconquered amid the night, and say, “To the eye of my Father it is perhaps shining still.” I shall reach the climax of strength when I have learned to wait for hope.”
    –George Matheson

    I would argue the emphasis of that passage is that everything is in God’s power – not on our power.

    Thirdly (and this is more of a broad point than just on this resource), of course I cannot vet every single sentence of every book that I recommend. And indeed, nor would I want to. If I threw out anything that did not fit my theology (or your theology) then no doubt I would be left with very little indeed to share. Of course I would not include anything that I thought would be dangerous or would not help a Christian, so I do weigh everything I include.

    Some of the comments on this post suggest for instance that this is book that has really helped people, and from the days I have looked at, I think they are great at drawing people closer to God.

    Once again though, thanks for your comment, hopefully you will find something else here that you like.

    In Christ,


  5. My first copy of Streams in the Desert was offered to me at the beginning of my husband’s 2 year battle with inoperable brain cancer. Through each day’s devotional, I’ve been able to see the gifts of God through suffering, sorrow, and grief – times of trials of many kinds. The writings have helped me remember, “Others have passed this way before me. I’m not alone. The Lord is near!” This book has been like a close heart-friend, morning and evening.

  6. I wanted to thank you for sending a reply to those who think there are errors in the writings.God has surely used this book to grow me along side of His word.I agree with Ann Harris.This book has been held close to my heart morning and evening for 10 years.God has used her life , to build me up as a missionary who now travels around the world, and i see the heart need for Jesus in the 3rd world countries.Thank you for selling and passing on her teachimgs.

  7. This small yet powerful book has rocked my world, shook me to the core, gave me comfort and encouragement more times than I can count. Praise be to the Lord for his humble servant Mrs. Cowman for writing this book. I will always be thankful for her obedience in writing this. God is good.

  8. To Carol Houtler…YOU(as we ALL) are very “flawed”! Seems like your very existence encompasses “taking out of context” what doesn’t fit your narrow mindedness. Suggest you chill. You are so far off with your condemnation of this most precious book that, apart from divine intervention, everyone and everything you touch will suffer from your deluded state. Harsh words, but true. Sometimes you need to be jarred from your stupor.

  9. thats great book i just started this book touch my heart my mom given me good words about life with jesusbeautiful i love it to read and read more thanks god bless u all

  10. Thank you Mrs Cowman for “Streams in the Desert”. Every day brings its own challenges and “Streams” has been a constant nudge to turn to God’s word for loving kindness, direction, comfort and has brought me closer to Him and into His peace. Reading today (29/2) has been especially helpful so I was really disappointed not to be able to find any reference on the web to “Soul Food”. Perhaps you could help with that?

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