Help improve Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Inviting booksPhoto by Chelsea Girl Christian Classics Ethereal Library continues to improve its website beyond just simply providing free classic Christian literature. However, they need … Read more
legal • high quality • edifying
Inviting booksPhoto by Chelsea Girl Christian Classics Ethereal Library continues to improve its website beyond just simply providing free classic Christian literature. However, they need … Read more
YouVersion continue to make more improvements to their bible study tool with the latest Beta. You can find out more about YouVersion on my first … Read more
If you are a fan of CS Lewis then read on… Firstly, yesterday the Between Two Worlds Blog highlighted that the audio recordings from the … Read more
You may have heard that you can now view Leonardo Da Vinci’s Last Supper online at extremely high levels of detail – 16 billion pixels! This makes it the highest definition picture ever (allegedly).
The devotions of Saint Anselm have recently been added to the The Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Saint Anselm was born near the border between what are now Italy and France (Aosta, Piedmont). He became the Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093, and is considered by many to be one of the most influential thinkers of medieval Europe and Christianity. Anselm was passionate that faith in God could be explained through reason and his motto was credo ut intelligam (“I believe so that I may understand”).
The Desiring God blog has highlighted a new article written by Matt Perman that sets out why thy don’t charge for anything online – and whey they think everyone else should follow suite!
This is an interesting ‘video’ that was recently mentioned on the Between Two Worlds blog. It is a map produced by Maps of War that shows the spread of the various religions over time. Obviously it is very high level, but nonetheless it is a good little clip.
The Heartlight Gallery is another great website for Chrisitan images, especially scripture images. They also have a good array of wallpapers. In fact there is much more besides just images on this site, but the graphics they have on offer is the emphasis of this review.
what really helped me the most was God! The reason that there was a severe reduction in the number of posts over the last two … Read more
The Between Two Worlds blog has highlighted two free bible study tools that can be used on iPhones to search the bible online. The two sites are Crossways, and AcroDesign Technologies (iBibleSpace). Both are providing the ESV, and both are free!
eSword is probably the best free bible study software that you can pick up. eSword is easy to use and has a fair amount of … Read more
Hello, I have set up this blog for two main two main purposes I often find myself trawling around the internet for good Christian resources … Read more