Free Gospel Coalition Network

In the last few days the free Gospel Coalition Network website has opened. The Gospel Coalitions aim is to “invigorate churches with new hope and compelling joy based on the promises received by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone”.

This is mainly a networking tool, and it is too early to say yet just how successful it will be, however several high profile churches, people and organizations have already joined including Desiring God, Mark Driscoll, Tim Keller, Joshua Harris, C.J. Mahaney.

Free Christian resources from Feb 2009

Last month there was another great collection of free Christian resources highlighted including…

Over 100 free Christian songs from Mars Hill
Mars Hill are well known for Mark Driscoll’s preaching, but did you also know they offer over 100 free Christian songs for download on their website?

GodTube relaunched as tangle
GodTube has now relaunched itself as tangle. Like YouTube it primarily offers videos, but now the social element has been improved dramatically

A free bible for your blackberry?
If you are a blackberry user then you’ll be pleased to know that YouVersion have just released a Blackberry version of their popular bible study software.

Free ejournal for young pastors
The 9Marks blog has produced a comprehensive guide on leadership for new and young pastors. It includes some well known contributors.
