Free Andrew Murray book – Master’s Indwelling

andrew_murray.jpgMaster’s Indwelling by Andrew Murray is a new addition to the Christian Classics Ethereal Library. Andrew Murray (1828-1917) was a minister from South Africa who was heavily involved in the South African Revival of 1860. He was a prolific writer, and produced over 240 books in his life.

Master’s Indwelling was initially a series of sermons that were then rewritten into book form. You can get in pdf, word, plain text or simply view it online at Christian Classics Ethereal Library. The essence of the book is whether Christ is living in you. Of whether the Spirit drives your thoughts and actions.

Here is a quote from the book:

The question comes again: Why is it that God’s people do not know their God? And the answer is: They take anything rather than God,—ministers, and preaching, and books, and prayers, and work, and efforts, any exertion of human nature, instead of waiting, and waiting long if need be, until God reveals Himself. No teaching that we may get, and no effort that we may put forth, can put us in possession of this blessed light of God, all in all to our souls. But still it is attainable, it is within reach, if God will reveal Himself.
from “Waiting on God”


Masters Indwelling:
Other Andrew Murray books:

5 thoughts on “Free Andrew Murray book – Master’s Indwelling”

  1. I would love to receive a copy of this book by Andrew Murray. Is it possible to send me a copy by mail?
    May God bless your ministry.

  2. please mail me a copy of the book. thank you. Rita Fisher, 2928 Cross Creek Drive, Columbus, IN 47201

    I’m interested in all Andrew Murray books, if you have other ones, please send some, thank you

  3. i would also like a copy of this book to read as it looks really interesting.god bless donald thomas.362 springvale road.forest

  4. the book is amazing, it is simply wrote but hard sometimes for me to understand, i guess they are right when they say u go to school for years and u wont learn the bible in a few months., MAY I HAVE A FREE COPY IF U COULD

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