Free book: In Our Joy by John Piper

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In Our Joy
by John Piper
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The Christian life is hard but we can have Joy by living with Jesus. A discipleship book for any Christian

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In Our Joy is a pocket book that is a selection of chapters from John Piper’s book What Jesus Demands from the World. It is written as a discipleship book to encourage and challenge Christians to fully follow Jesus. In Our Joy clearly spells out the costs of becoming a Christian, and the hard road we face. However it counteracts this by reminding that it is our joy in Jesus that sustains us, and that without Jesus all of our striving would be wasted. Many books and distorted Christian theologies can assume that with faith, we can have everything. With faith we can have money, health and not have a hard life. But our joy is not supposed to be derived from our circumstances but from Jesus and our relationship with God.

To get the free pdf download simply go to the Desiring God website at this link and then select the ‘Read this book online (PDF)’ link. You can also currently purchase the book at reduced prices ($1 for 1, $0.30 each for 50 or more, $0.25 each for 300 or more) by visiting the same page.

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2 thoughts on “Free book: In Our Joy by John Piper”

  1. I recently bought and read this little book from Desiring God, and I loved it! It is both encouraging and challenging (like every good read should be!). As is usual for his writings, John Piper challenges us to find our joy IN God, not in things of this world. It’s not wrong for us to be happy with the blessings that God has given us, but our supreme joy should be in the supreme God. We should worship the Giver of all of our gifts, not the gifts themselves. May we indeed “delight in the Lord” (Psalm 37:4) above all else! To quote Piper, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” So, let us get on with being “most satisfied in Him!”

  2. Hi Daniel,

    I often go back to read Desiring God (or at least bits of it) to remind myself just what you have said in your comment. It was so exciting to read in my early (or maybe even slightly pre) Christian life that such pure joy can be found in God and that being a Christian does not equal a boring life.

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