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Free Christian audiobook – Francis Chan’s Crazy Love

Christian audio logoThis month’s free audiobook from christianaudio is Francis Chan’s “Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God”. After this month the link on this post will change to a new audiobook so be quick if you want this one. You can also read the first chapter online at the moment at the Crazy Love website.

Here is a quote that Christian Audio give about Francis Chan’s “Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God”:

The God of the universe is crazy about you! His love is the most powerful thing in the world and He wants to give it to you, so you can live for Him. If you have made a commitment to follow Christ, then listen to Crazy Love to be reminded and challenged in your walk. Sharing from his own life struggles and sacrifices, author Francis Chan issues a call for selfless, Christ-like living. Let the love you have received from God impact your life like never before.

You can get Francis Chan’s “Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God” by clicking here to go to Christian Audio.

1 thought on “Free Christian audiobook – Francis Chan’s Crazy Love”

  1. Aw man, this is going to be so sweet. I saw these guys play together in Pittsburgh, the set blew me away.

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