Free Logos book John Piper: Finally Alive

finally-alive.jpgThe Bible Study magazine are providing a free copy of John Piper’s book Finally Alive in the Logos format until the middle of September. Initially they were going to provide this just for their subscribers, but then decided to give it away to everyone! Of course you will need a copy of the Libronix Digital Library System (PC or Mac) to use this, but those of that do should act fast to make sure you don’t miss out.

If you are interested in getting this free book then you can find the full instructions at their website.

Tim Challies had the following to say on the book:

As I read the final page of Finally Alive I realized that I had found a new favorite book by John Piper. Those who have read my reviews of some of his previous titles know that while I greatly enjoy Piper’s ministry and am indebted to him in many ways, I have not always found his books easy to read. Yet I read Finally Alive with relish, enjoying it from the first page to the last. It is an incisive examination of a topic of profound importance. I think it represents Piper at his very best as an author.

3 thoughts on “Free Logos book John Piper: Finally Alive”

  1. i would like to request a copy of this book.

    may God continually bless your ministry..
    it’s such a good help!

  2. Many thanks for linking me to free Logos Books for John Piper.Well I would like to request for some Books such as the following; ( Desiring God, The Practice of the presence of God, and others.
    My Postal Address is;
    P.O.Box 32008,

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