Free Gary Thomas book – Pure Pleasure

pure-pleasure.jpgGary Thomas has made his latest book, Pure Pleasure, available free online!

There is also plenty of other materials at Gary Thomas’ website including videos of answers to questions raised around topics the book covers. Gary Thomas is a bestselling author, some of his other works include Sacred Marriage, Sacred Parenting, Sacred Pathways and Authentic Faith. All you need to do to get Pure Pleasure free is provide your name and email and you will instantly be able to download it in pdf format.

The tagline of the book covers the overall gist of the book, “Why Do Christians Feel So Bad about Feeling Good?”. As you can see from the chapter list below, it covers both why we should not be scared about enjoying pleasures and life, but also that there are some lines that should not be crossed.

  1. The Tyranny of Torrential Thirst
  2. Fortifying Ourselves with Pleasure
  3. How Our Pleasure Pleases God
  4. Enjoying the Earth without Loving the World
  5. Party Like It’s Biblical Time
  6. Practical Pleasure
  7. What’s Your Pleasure?
  8. Spiritual Ferns
  9. Preserving Pleasure
  10. Dangerous Pleasures
  11. The Cost of Pleasure
  12. Family Pleasure: Becoming a Servant of Their Joy
  13. Singing in Exile: Finding Pleasure in Difficult Circumstances
  14. Hilariously Holy

Here is a testimonial from Ed Young:

“If Gary Thomas writes a book, you need to read it. It’s as simple as that. He has incredible insight into spiritual truths and is able to make those truths graspable for all audiences. In Pure Pleasure Gary reminds us it is OK for Christians to feel good—even have fun! A refreshing message at the right time for contemporary believers. You are going to enjoy this book.”

—Dr. Ed Young, Second Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

6 thoughts on “Free Gary Thomas book – Pure Pleasure”

  1. every christian should able to understand this so that they will not accuse God of not doing anything good for us.

  2. Pingback: iPhone Gala » Free Sexual Detox book for Christian men
  3. I want to read this book. I thank you for the opportunity to recieve this text free. Keep up the ministry and GOD BLESS!!

  4. HI,

    Thankyou so much for this free material, see I am new in this calling
    of psalmistry and saw this site as I went on the internet, I thank you so much,I know without any doubt`s – its only the holy spirit that can lead us to such a destination, out of desperate motions to learn more – for months on end, I seek reading scripture verses to get more intermit but still, I new something was still missing in this new calling something in my innermost just lead me on this site today,hey God bless reachly.

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