Free 9Marks Christian Journal – Pastoral Moves

9marks pastoral moves
The latest issue of the Christian journal 9Marks is now available for Jan/Feb 2011. This edition is focused on pastors leaving and joining churches, both from their perspective and if the churches involved.

Whether or not you’ll be interested in this will no doubt largely be down to whether you are in that situation, and what your role is in your church.

Here is the editor’s note from Jonathan Leeman which sums up this edition:

Quick, before you make another move, pastor, read this eJournal!

If you’re thinking of leaving your church for another, start with Michael Lawrence’s article on leaving wisely. In fact, look at Matt Schmucker’s even before you think about leaving. Have you looked yet? Okay, what about now? I’ve seen enough pastors come and go to know that Lawrence and Schmucker just might shift your paradigm.

Or maybe the process of searching has begun. Mark Dever, Bobby Jamieson, Walter Price, and Dennis Newkirk will help you to avoid common mistakes and pursue the next pastor wisely.

Then again, maybe you should not make a move at all. Jeramie Rinne and Mark Dever will tell you why. Pastor Rinne, in fact, would rather see you dead right where you are. What a pastor!

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