Free John Piper book The Legacy of Sovereign Joy

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The Legacy of Sovereign Joy
by John Piper
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God’s Triumphant Grace in the Lives of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin

The Legacy of Sovereign JoyNote: The display and/or download of this book is for personal use only and it may not be distributed, duplicated, or used for any commercial purpose.

In The Legcay of Sovereign Joy, John Piper examines the hearts of Augustine, Luther, and Calvin to see how God has used them to teach the Church the meaning of grace.

What freed Aurelius Augustine from bondage to sexual immorality? What gave Martin Luther lion-like boldness in defending the supremacy of Scripture? What fueled John Calvin’s God-entranced preaching and writing ministry? A stoic, disinterested obligation to do what is right? No! It was white-hot passion for their Sovereign Joy: God. They were radically converted as they encountered the real, risen Jesus and his liberating gospel in the written Word of God. And for the joy of having found the Pearl of great price, they sold everything to obtain it.

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