“Christian” movie quotes and parables

film_seriesMovie Parables is a fun website that provides quotes and parables around movies that are similar to those found in the bible. As well as being fun, it may also come in handy for preparing illustrations for sermons if you want to use something the non-Christians in the audience will be able to relate to. The content is split into several areas as follows:

Movie quotes/parables

This is a list of films sorted in order of topic (e.g. attitude, believing) which then gives a quote from the film and a similar biblical quote. The structure of the list makes it easy to find what you may be looking for. Here is an example from A Knights Tale:

From A Knight’s Tale (2001):
“Hope guides me, that is what gets me through the day and the night.”

From Hebrews 6:19a (KJV):
“Which hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and stedfast.”

Movie concordance and mini reviews

This section of the website is more meaty than the quote section. The movie concordance gives a detailed summary of the movie with a specific biblical truth highlighted in each. As with the quotes, is is sorted into topic order. Alternatively there is a mini-review section which gives a small review of each film with a spiritual/biblical truth in alphabetical order of the movie.

Other content

There is also reviews of the actual films themselves both for their actual artistic integrity (i.e. are they any good!) and also detailing any factors that may make it unsuitable for a Christian to watch. Finally, there are reviews with some prominent actors, which are done by Michael Elliott who writes the website.


Website: http://www.christiancritic.com/

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