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Open Bible Topical Bible

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A great way to find related verses to almost any word you may be studying.

Link: http://www.openbible.info/topics/

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Open Bible’s Topical Bible
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A great way to find related verses to almost any word you may be studying.

Open Bible have an interesting section on their website which tells you which bible verses relate to any given word. When I first heard about this I wasn’t too excited, after all Gideon’s bible have been doing that for years! Open Bible goes a step further though due to a few reasons.


What Word Are You?
Photo by PowerBookTrance

Firstly, the number of words included that you can search by is massive. There are 24 choices just for the letter Q! This makes OpenBible’s Topical Bible a useful tool for both studying and preparing for sermons.

The comprehensive list is derived from the results of both Yahoo! and the ESV bible searches. This helps to ensure any topics people are interested in will be included. Also, if you search for any word then it should be added to the list (although it will be moderated to ensure the system is not abused.

You can also vote up or down any verses depending on how relevant they are to the word being searched. Alternatively you can suggest your own verses to help others out that are using the services.

Some of the verses suggested may be slightly tenuous, but often this will help to gain further understanding on any topics you may be looking into.

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