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Free Lanae Hale song – Love is worth the fight

Lanae Hale - Love is worth the fight

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Lanae Hale
Love is worth the fight
Download | Lanae Hale website | Centricity Media

This song is provided by Centricity Media and performed byLanae Hale. I love this song, it stands out from most contemporary Christian music with its upbeat and original style. Lanae Hale hails from Nashville, Tennessee and has recently been touring with downhere and Jason Gray. I think her different style stems from the fact she has not been trained by being a worship band – but has had many different influences from coffee shops to churches. This is another album to put on my ‘must-buy’ list!

Here are some of the lyrics from Lanae Hale’s free song:

Everybody need love sweet love,
Open arms to hold when the times get tough,
A special soul to share in the joy of life,


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