D.A.Carson sermons at Mars Hill

d-a-carson.jpgD.A.Carson’s recent preaches at Mars Hill are now available at the Resurgence website. D.A.Carson is well known as a great author and theologian, so Mars Hill were certainly blessed to have him the day.

All the video and audio for D.A.Carson’s are at the Resurgence website, and the five sessions were as follows:

  • Session #1 “The Center of the Whole Bible” Romans 3:21-26
  • Session #2 “The Strange Triumph of a Slaughtered Lamb” Revelation 12
  • Session #3 “A Miracle Full of Surprises” John 11
  • Session #4 “Why Doubt the Resurrection of Jesus” John 20:24-31
  • Session #5 “The Ironies of the Cross” Matthew 27:27-51

In the spirit of sharing, all of the D.A.Carson videos can be downloaded to your computer, or even embedded into your own website. Here are the embedded videos courtesy of the Mars Hill church:

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