Free New Attitude conference MP3s from Josh Harris’s Next

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Next conference mp3s
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High quality sermons from pastors including John Piper, C.J. Mahaney, Joshua Harris and Mark Dever.

next.jpgNext was the vision of Josh Harris, including starting the New Attitude conference to bring younger people and pastors together to help transfer the gospel from this generation to next.

They have just launched a new resources page of mp3s covering the last four years of the New Attitude conferences. There are some great free mp3s available including this small selection:

There are over 35 sermons and talks to listen to in all so there is plenty of choice.

Here is a little quote from the Next website on their aims:

Next isn’t built on “new.” It isn’t about the next trend or fad. Next is built on the old, treasured, and true. It’s about rediscovering old truth and recommitting to it.

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