iVerses iPhone daily bible verses

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Brief bible verses, short devotions and prayers.

iverses.jpgIf you like succinct daily verses devotions/thoughts then you may find iVerses is perfect for you. Each day you are given a short bible verse if you visit the website on your iPhone. You can then click on the relevant icon to be taken to a brief devotion or comment on the verse. These tend to be written in a question format which makes them good for mulling over the truths of the bible.

There is also a prayer section which suggests a different prayer you can pray and obviously add to as you feel led. The slight difference here is that the pray is not daily but random so you could do a few prayers each day if so wished.

There is nothing stunningly grounbreaking about iVerses but it provides a quick daily bible scripture which could help fill in some spare time or even help guide your prayer time. The advantage of the brevity of the texts used is that it is prefectly suited to the iPhone if you aren’t keen on reading reams of pages on the device.

Here is a recent example of the type of verses and commentary provided:

Cast all your anxiety on him [God] because he cares for you.
1 Peter 5:07

Going Deeper with 1 Peter 5:07
Isn’t it absolutely incredible that the God who made the universe cares about us and our needs, hurts, and fears! So let’s trust that he will do what is best for us and show it by living for him!

Let Us Pray
O Father, help me know when to move on! I know I have prayed this prayer several times this week, but it is so important to me. I don’t want to give up on someone seeking you, but I also know that I can get so caught up trying to reach one specific person that I fail to see the many around me who are seeking, but who have no one to share your grace with them. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

1 thought on “iVerses iPhone daily bible verses”

  1. I agree with anything in this post. I am touched by explanation on 1 Peter 5:7. It is really interesting that God the Creator cares for us. I normally wonder if I could live without Him.

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