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Thousands of free sermons from sermon links!

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Links to thousands of sermons sorted by chapter of the bible and topic

Sermon links is a website that contains lots and lots (around 10,000 at the time of this review) of links to sermons held on other websites. You can add links yourself which helps ensure a wide variety of inputs, and also the opportunity to add your own sermons or those you like.

Quality of sermons

Of course, any website of this nature is only as good as the websites it is linking to. 10,000 unscriptural or bad sermons would be nothing to be happy about! It is unclear what kind of vetting process there is but I assume that there must be one. There were no spam links or dead links on the sermons I checked. Also whilst I can’t vouch for all 10,000 links those that I looked through were theologically sound and well presented.

Adding sermons

A key feature of the website is adding your own links to sermons. This is a great way to increase the number of people that read your sermons. Not that the motivation is to boost numbers and use a sermon to enhance your profile. But it is a great way to serve the body of Christ by making your sermons available. Also when I think about the amount of time it takes preparing a sermon I always think the more people that can benefit from it the better. Of course you could also link to someone else’s sermon, it doesn’t have to be your own.

Find sermons added to the website

The main benefit of sermon links is of course finding sermons on area you are studying or have an interest in. Most of the searching for resources is based on chapters of the bible. Therefore you simply select the book you are interested in, and then the chapter, and you will be presented with all of the available links for that section. A small summary is given of each link, and if you want you then simply click on the link to go the external website. It is very easy to use, and doesn’t take long to see if any of the sermons are relevant for you.

The sermons and links are held in a variety of ways as follows:

  • Sermon outlines
    This gives a top level review of the sermon preached including the structure and additional verses used with only a brief commentry. The sermon outlines are grouped by books and then chapter of the bible.
  • Sermons
    These tend to link through to a fuller and more descriptive version of a preach. Often these pages will also include mps as well. These are also searched for by selecting a chapter from the bible.
  • Topical
    Basically the same as the first two options but sorted by topic (e.g.
  • Articles
    Rather than actual sermons these are more like commentaries on a bible verse or portion of the bible. Once again the main search is by selecting a chapter from the bible.
  • Devotions
    similar to articles, although these will tend to be shorter and often just 1 verse.

If you are not after a specific topic or section of the bible then the ‘cool links’ section is a good starting point as it shows the most popular/most viewed preaches. You can also subscribe to an email newsletter to advise you of updates.

2 thoughts on “Thousands of free sermons from sermon links!”

  1. neat great blog yea nice job our blog will soon be adding reviews on blogs and add them to our blogs as the top best 1000 websites to visit we also do reviews on Customer Reviews all types of reviews thank you

  2. Christian Sermons has come out many times which has affirmed the Holy Spirit has
    touched many other. Christian Sermons are indeed a way to express at least to an
    extent the power of Jesus Christ.
    Christian Sermons can convict you and practically force you to
    come to terms with the power of Jesus Christ. Many Years ago I prayed
    and prayed for God to show me the light, the
    way, and the path for my purpose. How God could bless others through me.
    I did not need to waste time learning the hard way
    of not following the way of Christ. Enoch is an outstanding model of man that walked with God and was taken or interpreted.
    Christian Sermons validated the reply to a lot of prayers and hopes I’ve had. Even though you love God you may very well (if definitely) still sin not but you can do the best you can to avoid temptations that lead to sin.
    I come from the family that preaches the Gospel and Christian Sermons are a fantastic way to spread the word of God. I have learned over the years no matter what “denomination” you come from doesn’t matter as long as
    you understand one core concept: Jesus Christ is the Son of God and come
    to this planet to Die for our redemption. It truly is crystal clear
    for the Bible. Genuine Christian Sermons will always support or validate this.

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