Covenant Life Sermon Series… Desperate


Last autumn (aka fall) Covenant Life did a sermon series called “Desperate: Living aware of our need for Jesus”.

The overarching topic of the series was about living with a daily sense of dependence on God. From prayer, our need for the Spirit and more. I’m happy to promote anything that makes us realise just how much we need Jesus…

Luke 11:1-13 | “Ask, Seek, Knock” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Joshua Harris
Desperate people ask, seek, and knock in their pursuit of more of the Holy Spirit. They know that the Spirit is God’s greatest gift and is absolutely necessary to do God’s work.

John 15:1-11 | “Apart from Me You Can Do Nothing” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Joshua Harris
Only when we abide in Christ, the true vine, can we have a fruitful spiritual life.

Colossians 4:2 | “Continue Steadfastly in Prayer” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Joshua Harris

Prayer is not another Christian to-do item. Prayer is an invitation to a relationship with God in which we see how much he has done for us and how he much he is doing around us.

1 Peter 4:7 | “For the Sake of Your Prayers” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Joshua Harris
To grow in our prayer lives, we must have the self-control to limit the time we spend on activities that distract us from God, and we must seek to remove the things that dull our thoughts of God.

John 14:12-14 | “The Prayer for Power” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Tim Kerr
Jesus continues his powerful work through us when we pray.

Acts 3-4 | “Filled with the Holy Spirit” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Joshua Harris

Christians should never be content without God’s power. When the Holy Spirit fills us, we will constantly ask for more boldness to preach the gospel.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12 | “By His Power” (Audio) | Outline (PDF) |  Joshua Harris
Paul’s prayer for the Thessalonians is based on the grace of God, asks for God to work according to his power, and aims for the glory of Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 55:1-13 | Come, Everyone Who Thirsts |  Joshua Harris

Grace drives us to despair in ourselves so that we can find everlasting hope in Jesus Christ.

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