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Free Christian Images – website review

Why not check out the popular Definitive guide to Christian clip art by clicking here…

Free Christian Images logo
I expect you can guess what you get at Free Christian Images (FCI) without me going into too much detail! However, as you will see from the images in this review, the quality of images is high.

Main content

  • Clip art
  • Wallpaper
  • Bible Reading Plan

Clip Art

The images on this site very modern and of a good quality. What impressed me more though was the variety. As you can see from the images below – there is a wide range of different styles on offer:
FCI Christian clipart 1FCI Christian clipart 2FCI Christian clipart 3FCI Christian clipart 4FCI Christian clipart 5FCI Christian clipart 6

Wall paper

There is not as much wallpaper as there is clip art, but there is a few here that are worth looking at.

Bible Reading Plan

This is an interesting idea, and not one I’ve seen before. You can get a wallpaper image that has a calendar and a reading plan for the bible on it.

Ease of use etc.

The one flaw with the site is that you have to go through all the images as there are only stored in chronological order. It would be great if you could also sort by type of image.


It is a good uncluttered website


This is a great website for clip art, particularly for clip-art including words or scriptures.


fCr rating:4.5 stars
1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (5 votes)Loading...


  • Good quality images
  • Modern designs


  • Only stored in chronological order
  • From comments made by the editor, it sounds as though the site is not now updated very often.



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