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newfrontiers – review

Newfrontiers  logoNewfrontiers is a worldwide family of churches numbering around 500 churches in over 40 nations around the world. In fact the church I attend is a member of Newfrontiers, and having only been a member of one church it is obviously a group of churches that I love. The mission of Newfrontiers is as follows:

“With a passionate commitment to build the church according to New Testament principles, we believe that the most effective form of evangelism is worked out from strong local churches.”

Just a couple of week ago there was the annual “leaders” training in Brighton (UK) which I was fortunate enough to attend some of. This is leaders in a broad sense, so for instance it would include small group leaders and worship leaders. It is certainly not just for the actual top dogs in the churches. Because it is a global church many people obviously cannot attend, and therefore all of the sermons are made available on the internet. There is a few other bits and bobs on the website as well:

Main content

  • Sermons from various conferences
  • Theological papers
  • Bible Study – Closer to God
  • Monthly magazine


The sermons cover the following conferences:

  • Together on a mission 2006 & 2007
  • Mobilise 2006 & 2007
  • Kingdom Come 2007

“Together on a mission” is the leaders conference I mentioned earlier and covers many areas including running alpha, preaching, spiritual authority, church planting and The Authority And Inerrancy Of The Bible.

Mobilise happens alongside the Together on a mission conference and is aimed towards students and 20s with the focus on mission (whether that be domestically or abroad). Some of the sermons include Preaching the Bible in the 21st Century, Making good life decisions and Duty, Discipline Or Devotion?

The Kingdom Come conference has more of the same.

What is great about these preaches is that they are all aimed at building up the church’s leaders and as such can cover a slightly different content than on a normal Sunday. So for instance, on a Sunday you would expect (I hope!) to hear the gospel load and clear to bring salvation – but the aim of these talks is training.

The quality of speakers is high and does not just include people from Newfrontiers churches. For instance there is quite a few preaches from Rob Rufus and Wayne Grudem. All of the preaches (that I have heard) firmly realise that it is through God’s power and grace that we can become great leaders. There are no quick fix answers or “pay $1,000 for blessing”. But that does not mean we should not strive to improve ourselves and this where listening to these sermons can really help.

If you prefer, you can also subscribe to itunes and get one preach a week direct to your iPod/mp3 player.

Theological papers

These papers look at some of the hot potato issues that rear themselves in the church and includes issues such as atonement, euthanasia and masculinity. These are provided in pdf format and tend to be rather meaty in their content – not the kind of thing to read in a spare five minutes! They are superbly written though and cover social, historical and biblical arguments.

Bible Study – Closer to God

There is also a weekly bible study from Scripture Union’s ‘Closer to God’. These are fantastic courses to do. They are not too heavy but are very rewarding. In many ways they are bit like daily devotions but as you get a couple of questions you are forced to apply it to your life. It also builds the study into your time with God so that it does not just become an exercise in puffing up your mind.

Monthly magazine

You can also get the monthly Newfrontiers magazine. This is not simply a newsletter but includes lots of teaching, book reviews and interviews of prominent Christians.

Ease of use etc.

The sermons are sorted by conference, speaker with the topics covered clearly shown so it does not take long to see what you are after.


This is a good site, not flashy or anything but well designed and laid out.


If you are interested in learning more about any aspect of contributing to your church, then you are likely to find the sermons here of use.


fCr rating:4 stars
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  • Quality preaches
  • A slightly different focus to a “normal” Sunday preach.
  • Easy to use and navigate


  • None



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