Free Christian Music review

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Free Christian Music
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A simple website that aims to showcase the best free Christian music available.

free Christian musicFree Christian Music aims to highlight the best free legal Christian songs available on the internet for download. Many of the songs highlighted are the same as those shown here at free Christian resources in the free song section, but there are others included too so it is worth having a dig around. For instance it has recently highlighted songs by Leeland and Warren Barfield.

Daniel from Free Christian Music says it exists to

…spread the word about FREE, legal Christian music that is available for download on the internet. Our mission is to aid people in their worship of God and to lead others to Christ through the truths conveyed in music.

Free Christian Music is easy to use and it has a very clean look. However it would be great if there were more pictures of the bands included and little bits of information about them. This could really help to make Free Christian Music more of a ‘must-visit-website’ that draws in visitors.

There is also a great link page highlighting some good sources of free Christian music, many of which I was not aware of and shall be having a look at myself!

3 thoughts on “Free Christian Music review”

  1. Hey, thanks for highlighting our site! We like your suggestion of more pictures and band info and we’ve got a question: where do you we find band photos that we can use for free? It seems like most images are copyrighted, so how do we find band images that can be used on our site? Thanks again!

  2. Hi Daniel,

    You’re welcome.

    If you want band pictures that aren’t album covers the only place I am comfortable going to is their own (or their distributors) websites. They often have a section for press releases or images to link to their websites. In other words, they provide the pictures to be used in any kind of publicity. Most larger bands tend to provide this – I guess it helps for people when producing flyers for their gigs and stuff.

    For album covers I am assuming that it is “fair use” under the copyright laws to use this. There is more weight behind arguing it is fair use if the image is not able to be reproduced to any high level of quality and there is a bit of a review or publicity going on. So for instance on my website I only tend to have album art 100px wide and as low a quality as I can get it (which also helps the pages load quicker anyway).

    I look forward to seeing your website grow and promote those free Christian songs!

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