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Three free Mark Groutas Band mp3 songs

Mark Groutas Band

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Mark Groutas Band
Beautiful, I Saw the light & Now is the time.
Mark Groutas Band myspace | Goombah music
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Mark Groutas band are from Austin, Texas and attend the Lake Hills church. Their music has similarities with Radiohead, Coldplay (listen to ‘I saw the light”), Keane and Delirious. With ten years experience they now play in front of 2,000 people each week at the Lake Hills Church. I really enjoyed listening to these songs and think you will too.

There are currently three free Mark Goutas Band songs available at Goombah:

  • Beautiful
  • I Saw the light
  • Now is the time

Here are some of the lyrics from Now is the time

Now is the time for us to shine,
Shine with the light if Christ divine
No compromise for heaven cries
Now is the time.

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Mark Groutas Band’s church website:
Mark Groutas Band myspace:
Goombah website:
Goombah review:

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