Free The Dark Knight movie clips for sermons

free-movie-clips.jpgWingClips has recently added four clips from The Dark Knight, the new Batman film featuring a well received performance from Heath Ledger, which can be used free of charge* for sermon illustrations or teaching.

* The terms of use for WingClips allows clips to be downloaded and used only and solely for the purpose of illustrating sermon messages and/or teachings during free public religious services and/or teaching presentations. Further terms apply as detailed at the WingClips website.

dark knightThe Dark Knight synopsis:
Batman vs The Joker. A dark and compelling film as Batman joins forces with Lieutenant Jim Gordon and District Attorney Harvey Dent just as a new threat in the form of the Joker starts to flex his muscles in Gotham City.

Here are the clips that WinglCips provide.

Dark Knight, The – Batman Has No Limit (1:09)

Having just been gnawled by a dog Alfred reminds Bruce (batman) that he does have his limits.
Themes: Pride, Stubborn, Humility, Vulnerability, Foolishness, Determination

Dark Knight, The – Dawn is Coming (0:44)

District Attorney Harvey Dent tells the press that Batman will be brought to account for his actions, and the laws he has broken.
Themes: Accountability, Justice, Fear, Despair, Hope, Leadership, Deeds

Dark Knight, The – Endure (0:37)

Bruce has doubts about whether he can still be batman.
Themes: Steadfast, Courage, Giving Up, Fighting, Choices, Defeat

Dark Knight, The – Trailer (2:07)

Batman is the only hope for Gotham City.
Themes: Evil, Enemy, Battle, Fighting, Risk, Choices, Duty, Spiritual Warfare


Rotten Tomatoes reviews (94% on 03/07/08)
WingClips clips

1 thought on “Free The Dark Knight movie clips for sermons”

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