Free ESV bible reading plans

The ESV website has a great selection of reading plans to help you read the bible in one year. Firstly all of the plans are available in several formats as follows:

  • Web
  • RSS (full text included)
  • Email
  • iCal (no text included – just the verse references)
  • Mobile
  • Print

I use the RSS feed as it allows me to read it easily wherever I am. The big advantage of this RSS feed over many others on the internet is that the full feed of the bible text is included. The RSS feed also allows you to subsribe to a podcast so you can listen to the bible.

The selection of reading plans available are:

  • Daily Reading Bible
    Daily Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms
  • Outreach Bible
    Daily Old Testament, Psalms, and New Testament
  • Outreach Bible New Testament
    Daily New Testament. Read through the New Testament in 6 months
  • M’Cheyne One-Year Reading Plan
    Daily Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels
  • ESV Study Bible
    Daily Psalms or Wisdom Literature; Pentateuch or the History of Israel; Chronicles or Prophets; and Gospels or Epistles
  • Literary Study Bible
    Daily Psalms or Wisdom Literature; Pentateuch or the History of Israel; Chronicles or Prophets; and Gospels or Epistles
  • Every Day in the Word
    Daily Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms, Proverbs
  • Through the Bible
    Daily Old Testament and New Testament
  • Chronological
    Through the Bible chronologically (from Back to the Bible)
  • Book of Common Prayer Daily Office
    Daily Psalms, Old Testament, New Testament, and Gospel

1 thought on “Free ESV bible reading plans”

  1. Please send me a copy of reading the Bible daily using the Chronological formate.
    Thank you so very much
    Be Blessed
    Bonnie Gay

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