Improve your marriage!

Anyone that is married no doubt wants to improve their marriage, no matter how good it may be. NewSpring Church have recently done a mini-series called I Want a New Marriage, which aims to help people grow closer together in their marriages.

All of the sermons have audio, video and a group study guide available, just visit the I Want a New Marriage page and download away!

  • Forgive & Live – Perry Noble
  • What’s Got to Happen for a Marriage to Work? – Perry Noble
  • What I Said Yes To – Perry Noble
  • From This Moment – Perry Noble

Here is the trailer for the series:

4 thoughts on “Improve your marriage!”

  1. Dear Sirs,

    Good afternoon.

    Thanks a lot for the message!!!
    I am very pleased about listening this subject
    because I am still being a single and I plan to be married
    as soon as possible. The reason why I ask you to recommend me
    some advices about it in order to stay in God’s will.

    I look forward to seeing you again.

    Anicet BIBONIMANA.

  2. Great message!
    When you’re committed to something as important as marriage it takes constant energy and attention. Positive thoughts that no matter what you and your spouse are strong and committed enough to make any situation OK can get your through thick and thin.
    I have some info on positive thinking and being a healthier person with increased well being and sense of worth at my blog. The spiritual stuff is so important and often over looked by health care professionals such as myself. It really isn’t all about being physically well. If your spirit is in the dumps good health isn’t worth too much is it?

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