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Free Webinar on Social Media Strategy for Pastors and Leaders

Church Marketing Sucks are hosting a free webinar on Social Media Strategy that is targeted towards Pastors and Leaders in the church. You’ll need to be quick as it is this Friday, although I expect you’ll be able to get the video later as well if you miss it. So if you are looking to brush up on your social media skills (or you have none!) this could be just the thing for you.

Register here to make sure you don’t miss out.

Social Media for Pastors and Ministry Leaders: Where Do I Start? Just what is “social media” anyway? Why has it taken the online world by storm? In this webinar you’ll learn why the social web is absolutely crucial to communicating with the next generation. You’ll learn how the up-and-coming generation communicates and why you need to be in those channels, contributing your story to the social media flow. We’ll focus on the “why” and the “how” of social media. If you’re confused by terms like “tweet”, “like” and “blogging”, this webinar is a great place to start in getting a social media education! Join blogger and social strategist Justin Wise to uncover the basic principles of social media and why you need to be integrating it into your ministry work flow.

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