Free media resources from Vintage Church

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Vintage Church
main website

Free media for events and services

Vintage Church is a large (and growing) collection of media resources that are free for churches to use. This could be invaluable particularly for smaller churches who may not have anyone with design skills in their midst, or have the cash to pay for good designs.

There are a few videos included, but the vast majority of content is from designs for sermons, sermon series, outreach projects, youth events and other related areas. All of the designs come from a variety of churches, and as such the designs are variable both in quality and style.

Most of the items are provided in photoshop or illustrator format, and some jpgs. The downside of Photoshop files is you need Photoshop to use them. The plus side though is that you can then freely change them for your own needs. For instance if you look at the first example I give below this would be great to use as it is…unless you aren’t aren’t starting the series on the 10th/11th of April! With the photoshop files though within a couple of minutes you can change the words. If you don’t have photoshop, you could try to use Gimp to edit the files.

Here are a couple of examples:

Vintage church love

Vintage church

I spotted this free resource at the Uth Gut Tech’s blog

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