Free Lee Strobel Case for Christ videos

free-movie-clips.jpgWingClips has recently added three clips from Lee Strobel’s Case for Christ. The film is based on Lee Strobel’s well known book which documents his conversion to Christianity. His conversion was different to many in that he set out to disprove Christianity but found that he would need more faith to remain an atheist than become a Christian.

Free Wayne Grudem Systematic Theology talks

The Between Two Worlds blog has recently highlighted an amazing selection of Wayne Grudem’s teaching on Systematic Theology available free online.

Christian Essentials are providing a wealth of mp3s and outlines from Dr Grudem’s Christian Essentials class which is effectively Wayne Grudem preaching through his renowned book Systematic Theology. Many of the talks also have sermon outlines available too.

Free book – John Piper’s God is the Gospel

God is Gospel is a superb free Christian book written by John Piper that is available free to download. It currently has 4.5 out if 5 based on the reviews at amazon and has the subtitle of “Meditations on God’s Love as the Gift of Himself “. As with all of John Pipers books it is heavily rooted in the scriptures and focused on the cross. We can have a tendency to put a human touch on the gospel – that it is all about our salvation and us. Piper reminds us that actually the gospel is all about God.