iPhone sermon audio

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iPhone Sermon Audio
main website | apple website

Sermons via mp3 and video directly to your phone… and more!!!

serman-audio.jpgThe Sermon Audio iPhone offering is basically the same as their normal website, ad indeed it uses the same address. However, it has been visually adjusted to work much better with the iPhone meaning you’re not left with a tiny browser on your screen. It is a very comprehensive website as you will see below – you’ll never be bored again if you have your iPhone with you!

It includes preachers such as RC Sproul, John Piper and about six thousand more! There are over 191k free mp3 sermons, sermon videos, and also pdf scripts for many sermons.

You can browse by speaker, topic and church or simply go for a staff or reader recommendation. You can also bookmark your favorite selections so it easy to find any new additions from them. There are also sermons by some classic preachers such as Charles Spurgeon and Martin Luther.

Finally, you can use a Local Church Finder to find churches near to you which may be helpful if you are away from your church for some reason. With the iPhone’s GPS features this is actually a really cool addition. You can be directed straight to the door!

There are a few other features too, but I’ll leave them for you to find…

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